A light as bright as the sun suddenly appeared in the sky and then disappeared; Aliens found in this country?

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Viral Video: Aliens have been debated for a long time. Many people believe in aliens and some don’t. Now a Canadian couple has seen a UFO-like object flying over the Winnipeg River, after which debates have begun whether these are aliens. A UFO flying in the sky emitted light like the sun. Justin Stevenson was walking through Fort Alexander with his wife Danielle Stevenson on May 14 when they saw mysterious orbs of yellow light.

The object, as bright as the sun, was seen flying south along the northern bank of the river and then suddenly disappeared behind the clouds. Stevenson himself does not believe in aliens, but he described the experience as something out of a science fiction film and said he saw something very bright like fire in the sky. He also recorded the entire footage on his mobile and during this time he was also wondering if he was encountering aliens? He also shared the footage on social media platform Facebook and wrote, “Man, I think we are seeing something like aliens.”

This event convinced Stevenson that there is life beyond Earth. “I was skeptical at first, but now this gives me the proof that I need that there is something beyond humans,” he said, according to the New York Post. This video has gone viral on social media. One user wrote: What is this? It’s so scary, it hits so close to home. Another user wrote that it could be a drone or a UFO. At the same time, another user denied the aliens claim, saying it was nothing but gas from a weather balloon trapped in a thermal pocket and refracting light from Venus.

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