A new lawsuit seeks to ban Donald Trump from voting and running

Washington: Former US President Donald Trump’s troubles are increasing. Now a lawsuit has been filed to prevent Donald Trump from voting in the 2024 presidential election. The case has been filed on Wednesday by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) in Colorado, USA. Donald Trump was accused of violating his oath of office in constitutional office.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution bars anyone from holding public office who engages in rebellion after taking an oath to defend the Constitution, reports AFP. The lawsuit alleges that Donald Trump attempted to rig the Georgia 2020 election. Trump’s efforts also led to violence at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. “Because Trump took these actions after taking an oath to uphold the Constitution, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment bars him from running for president and voting in the 2024 presidential election,” the lawsuit said.

Trump, 77, will march on Washington accused of plotting to overturn the results of the November 2020 election won by Democrat Joe Biden. The case went on. Trump In a recent post on his Truth social platform, he hit back at attempts to remove him from the presidential race, saying they have ‘no legal basis.’ This, he added, is another ‘trick’ by radical left communists, Marxists and fascists to capture re-election.

PHOTOS: Surrendered, jailed for 20 minutes, then took such a picture, Trump went to jail and set an unwanted record, know what a mugshot is

Let us tell you that on August 25, Donald Trump surrendered in the Georgia election fraud case. The case was held at the Fulton County Jail. Meanwhile, his mug shot was taken. “What happened here is a travesty of justice,” he told reporters as he left Atlanta after being photographed. We have done nothing wrong.

Tags: America News, Donald Trump

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