A woman who has been without food or drink for 16 years, people are surprised to hear her strange claim, how is she alive?

Can man live without food and drink? According to Medical News Today, a human can live without water for 3 days, while according to the official website of the US, National Institutes of Health, a human can live without food for 8 to 21 days. Research has found that this time can even reach 60 days. However, it is impossible to live longer than that. But an African woman has made a very strange claim. She says she has lived without food or drink for 16 years (a woman has not eaten for 16 years).

As reported by the Daily Star news website, YouTuber and traveler Drew Binski recently met Ethiopian resident Muluwork Ambaw (an Ethiopian woman who had not drunk water for 16 years) and asked her one simple question – what is it? In fact, a surprising thing related to Muluwork is very prevalent in the surrounding areas. That is, the woman was living without food and drink for the last 16 years. She is currently 26 years old and the last thing she ate was a lentil stew.

The woman lives in Ethiopia. (Photo: Drew Binski/YouTube)

Home is as safe as a castle
When Drew arrived at the woman’s house, he found that her house was large, higher and safer than the houses of other people in the village. The interior of the lady’s house was also amazing. The drawing room housed many posters and antiques. As ugly as the house was, so was the bathroom. She said she doesn’t use the bathroom, only her daughter and sister do. He spends most of his time in gardening. The woman said that she cooks food for her daughter, but does not feel like eating it herself.

Doctors found everything normal on examination
Doctors in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, examined him for three years, but each time he was found to be perfectly healthy. Doctors noticed that there was no trace of food or water in his intestines. Due to this he does not need to defecate and urinate. The woman said that one day she suddenly felt hungry or thirsty. When family members asked her to eat, she would lie that she had eaten. The woman said she also met doctors in Dubai and Qatar, who examined her mental health but found no deficiencies. When she was pregnant, she was given glucose to keep the baby healthy. But after birth she was not able to breastfeed. He believes that it is because of God that he gets the strength to live without food and drink. She tells those who call her a fraud that they can come home with her if they want.

Tags: Surprising news, Trending news, Strange news

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