After the success of Ghadar 2, director Anil Sharma’s big plan, said- preparing to send it to Oscars

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Gadar 2 director Anil Sharma is on cloud nine these days and why not? He will be proud of himself for the record breaking earnings of his film Ghadar 2 at the box office. Now, amid the happiness of the film’s success, Anil Sharma has given an update about Ghadar 2 that fans will also be happy. Indeed, after seeing the success of Ghadar 2 at the Indian box office, the makers are considering sending the film to the Oscars. Know what Anil Sharma said on this.

Preparing to send Oscar
In an interview to The Indian Express, Anil revealed how he and his team are busy completing applications for the Academy Awards. People have been telling me over and over to send the film to the Oscars.

Both films are different
When Anil was asked if Ghadar 2 would go to the Oscars, the director said, ‘Gadar was not a love story, so I don’t know if Ghadar 2 will go or not, but we are trying. But Ghadar 2 should go because the film deserves it. Ghadar also deserved it. Vais Gadar Jo was based on the partition of 1947 and we told the story in a very different way. It was a very different and new story and Ghadar 2 was also a new and original story.

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However, Anil also lamented that his films have not received any appreciation over the years. He said, ‘It feels like I haven’t worked in years. I don’t understand who sits on the award panel or they don’t give me the award. I remember Dharamji once saying how he used to design new suits for awards, but he didn’t get the awards. Same thing happens with us. We didn’t get awards but we got a lot of love from people. Well, I won’t lie because I want the award too. But I don’t expect it because I know I won’t get it.

My films are made from the heart
Anil said, ‘I have been making films for 40 years. It either works or flops, but I do films that have heart. I feel happy when people love my films. I feel bad when it is not shown because I make films only for people.

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