Anupama August 20: More jail time for domestic violence! Anuj-Vanraj’s anger grew, Anupama told Barkhan

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August 20 Anupama Written Update: A lot of things are coming together at this point in Anupama, one of which is Pakhi who is a victim of domestic violence. At the beginning of today’s episode, Anupama will see Pakhi being slapped hard by Abhi. He then comes to the room and takes Pakhi from the room. Romil on the other hand is happy that Anupama got to know the truth because of him. Romil would be horrified by this. On the other hand, Romil will tease Adhik by whistling. Know what else will happen today..

Pakhi will talk to Anupama and speak in Adhik’s favor and say that you are misunderstood. Anupama will find him explaining a lot but Pakhi will often speak in favor of Adhik. Just then Anuj will come there and Anupama will say – something to say and will tell everything. Meanwhile Barkha also scolds Adhik that why did he slap? On this she will say- ‘He got angry’ Not only this, Dimpy will be seen shouting at Summer as to why she ate a bagel from her mother’s hand when the split happened. Dimpy would shout at Samar and throw things in anger, but Samar wouldn’t say anything.

On the other hand, Vanraj will tell Baa and Bapuji that Anupama has invited them to Kapadia Haveli. After this Vanraj comes to Kapadia Haveli with his entire family. Meanwhile, Barkha seems to be taking sides. While Anupama, Vanraj, Anuj and all others will be told more. Barkha will say to Anupama- ‘You are the queen of slaps, if you slap, then justice, if anyone else slaps, violence.’ Anupama will say that till today I have not raised my hand on you. Barkha won’t stop there and accuses Pakhi but Vanraj silences her.

Meanwhile, Ba will also recount the old story of how he misunderstood Pakhi. After this Anupama asks Pakhi if she will tell everything. After this, Pakhi’s injury marks will also be exposed, which will bring tears to Anupama’s eyes. Vanraj will say that he will file a domestic violence case against Adhik, on which Anuj and the whole family will support him. But Pakhi grabs Vanraj’s phone and disconnects it, saying that he has nothing to complain about.


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