Anupama August 29: Anuj learns the truth about Kavya’s baby, Babuji starts Bana’s classes

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Vanraj goes to the hospital to meet Kavya and seeing Kavya in pain says I won’t let anything happen to our child. Then Kavya asks him if you adopt this child then I will come. After this Anupama goes to Vanraj and Vanraj says that Kavya cheated on him, but our relationship comes out of his mouth again and again. This child is not mine so why am I worried about it. Anupama then explains to him that when a child comes into life, you fall in love with him no matter what. This child has entered your heart. Everyone talks about a mother, but no one knows how much love a father has for his child. Vanraj says no, he will not accept Anirudh’s child. Anuj hears this from Vanraj and is shocked.

Anuj came to know the truth
Anuj and incomparable On the way home, Anuj asks why Vanraj came at midnight that day. When Anupama says sorry again, Anuj says no sorry. I am only thinking about Anupama and Kavya. By the way, anyone know about Anupama? Anyone have doubts? Anupama says Vanraj rejected Kavya. Anuj says but it is wrong to hide this from everyone. But Anupama says Babuji and Ba will feel bad hearing this, so it is not right to say it.

Anupama and Guru Ma met
Anuj then stops the car in front of the temple to seek blessings when a woman falls in front of his car. Anupama goes to look outside and sees that the woman is none other than Guru Ma. Anupama is shocked to see Guru Ma’s condition. Anupama tells Anuj, but he doesn’t listen.

Babuji said to Ba
Ba calls Dimple very bad. Dimpy gets very angry hearing this. Ba tells Kavya that his life was in danger because of Dimpy, while Dimpy tells Kavya that people’s eardrums are in danger because of you. Hearing Bana’s words, Babuji loses his temper and he runs Bana’s class.

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