British PM Rishi Sunak said before his visit to India – I am very proud of my Indian roots.

In an exclusive interview to PTI-Bhasa, Rishi Sunak said, ‘We are the most political in discussing cricket. I agree that my daughters can support India when it comes to cricket, like they support England when it comes to football!’

Sunak’s parents are of Indian origin and came to Britain from East Africa. His wife Akshata Murthy is the daughter of India’s famous technology personality Narayan Murthy and philanthropist Sudha Murthy. In an email interview days before his visit to India to attend the September 9-10 G-20 summit in New Delhi, Sunak said on Wednesday that the response of the Indian people to him as prime minister has been overwhelming and warm.

He said, ‘I am very proud of my Indian roots and my ties with India. As you know, my wife is Indian and being a proud Hindu means that I will always have a connection with India and its people.

Sunak, 43, a leader of the Conservative Party, was first elected as an MP in 2015. He was appointed Finance Minister in February 2020 by then Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Sunak, the first person of Indian origin to become the Prime Minister of Britain, said, “The first thing I did after becoming Prime Minister was to organize a special function on Diwali at Downing Street (the Prime Minister’s residence and office). I had the opportunity to welcome many British Indians and it was an emotional and proud moment for me to see the entire building decorated with lights and flowers.

He said, “My story is the story of many people in Britain who have a deep and lasting connection with India. The strength of our country lies in its diversity and I have experienced this firsthand many times since becoming Prime Minister.

He was asked that when you sit with your in-laws, do you talk to them about Indian politics, technology or the problems you face while ruling in Britain?

In response, Sunak said, “It’s important to keep politics out of the family, but certainly my wife and two daughters guide my values, as do my parents and in-laws.”

He said, “I am very proud of my in-laws and what they have achieved – from humble beginnings to building one of the largest and most respected companies in the world, both in India and the UK. It provides employment. Thousands of people from both countries. I want to build and lead a country where everyone can emulate the success he has achieved.

Sunak said, “It’s exciting to travel to India with Akshata for the G20 Summit, and hopefully we’ll get a chance to visit some of the places we visited when we were younger – although we’ll be very busy throughout the trip! ,

He said he looked forward to meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and discussing how cooperation between India and Britain can help address various global challenges.

“My Cabinet colleagues who visited India last year returned with renewed enthusiasm for the UK-India partnership,” he said. Sunak said, ‘This week, when I meet Prime Minister Modi again, it will be an opportunity to discuss some of the global challenges we face and the important role Britain and India have to play in solving them.’

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