China made 90 warheads in one year, 11 times more nuclear weapons than India, understand which country is powerful?

China has broken its own record in the race to accumulate nuclear weapons. This has been revealed in the report of Sweden’s think tank Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). According to this report, China has increased its nuclear arsenal tremendously between January 2023 and January 2024. China (China Nuclear Arsenal) had 410 nuclear weapons in 2023. It increased the number of weapons to 500 by January 2024. In its analysis, SIPRI said China’s nuclear arsenal is expected to increase by 500 in the coming years.

According to the SIPRI report, India has surpassed Pakistan in terms of nuclear weapons. India’s nuclear arsenal has increased to 172. While Pakistan has 170 warheads. India’s new weapons are long-range and can target China.

Let’s find out how China advanced in nuclear weapons:-

China is increasing its stockpile of nuclear weapons faster than any other country. China currently has 500 nuclear weapons. In one year, China has increased its nuclear stockpile by 11 times compared to India. No, China has its nuclear weapons mounted on ballistic missiles. Apart from this, it has been kept on high operational alert i.e. attack ready mode.

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This is part of China’s broader strategy to increase its nuclear weapons capability. Estimates suggest that China will have as many ICBMs as the US or Russia by the end of the decade. However, China’s total stock will remain small.

What does China want?
Actually, China’s competition is with America. It has increased its weapons not for attack, but for dominance over America and Russia. Another reason for increasing the stockpile of arms is the border dispute. China has ongoing border disputes with most of its neighboring countries. China has a dispute with America over Taiwan. China also claims rights over the South China Sea. China has a dispute over India’s eastern Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal.

China has the largest army in the world
After building the largest army in the world, China has intensified its campaign to build army bases around the world. According to a recent report by famous American think tank RAND, China is entering into army base agreements with countries around the world, so that it can take its military to a global level. Because of this, there is a danger of encircling India from all sides when preparations are underway to challenge America over Taiwan.

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China’s focus has increased on countries like Cambodia, Namibia, Equatorial Guinea, UAE. It already operates a naval base in Africa’s Djibouti and a paramilitary base inside Tajikistan. Also, China wants to build naval bases in India’s neighboring countries Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. The ongoing civil war in Myanmar has given China a great opportunity to do this.

Having a base in Gwadar, Hambantota in China is a threat to India
China is trying to build army bases in Cuba, Pakistan and Tanzania. It also intends to set up army bases in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. It is also intended to secure communication lines across the sea. Experts say that if China builds a base in Gwadar, Hambantota, it will create trouble for India. If this happens, India can strengthen its presence in the South China Sea. India can also get the support of America in this work.

How many nuclear weapons do countries have?
According to the report, 9 nuclear powers, including the US, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel, have continued to modernize their arsenals. Many of them have deployed new nuclear-capable warhead systems in 2023.

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United States of America
The United States (USA) is a major player in the global nuclear sector. As of January 2024, the US arsenal included a total of 5044 nuclear weapons. An important part of this was ballistic missiles and aircraft. America continues to modernize its nuclear arsenal. America is focusing on increasing the strength of land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) and strategic bombers.

Along with America, Russia is also increasing its nuclear power. However, with some fluctuations, Russia’s military stockpile is stable at 5580 weapons. In 2023, Russia deployed an additional 36 warheads. This shows its nuclear resistance.

United Kingdom (UK)
The United Kingdom announced important changes to its nuclear policy in 2023. The UK is planning to increase its nuclear weapons limit from 225 to 260. However, the country did not add new weapons to its arsenal last year. The UK’s decision demonstrates its commitment to a credible nuclear deterrent. Britain has also stopped disclosing its special nuclear weapons.

France is also involved in this race. It has continued to develop and expand its nuclear capabilities. France wants to field a third-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) and a new air-launched cruise missile.

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According to SIPRI, India had 164 nuclear warheads as of last year. On one hand, India is focusing on nuclear weapons to compete with Pakistan. On the other hand it is also emphasizing on weapons capable of long-range attacks. This can cover the whole of China. According to a SIPRI report, India was the world’s top arms importer with a growth of 4.7% between 2014-18 and 2019-23.

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Pakistan has approximately 170 stored warheads. It also continues to develop its nuclear delivery system. In fact, the ongoing rivalry with India drives Pakistan’s nuclear strategy. Both countries are trying to achieve the capability to deploy multiple warheads on ballistic missiles.

North Korea
As for North Korea, by January 2024, it had amassed around 50 weapons. North Korea had enough fissile material for 90 warheads. In fact, North Korea’s nuclear ambitions are destabilizing its regional security dynamics, as tensions rise with neighboring South Korea.

Although Israel does not officially acknowledge its nuclear arsenal. But still he is constantly increasing his abilities. Israel is upgrading a plutonium production reactor in Dimona, 144 km from Jerusalem.

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How many nuclear weapons are deployed worldwide?
There are currently 3904 nuclear warheads deployed in missiles or aircraft worldwide. Out of which 2100 have been kept on high alert. These weapons mostly belong to America and Russia. The number of nuclear weapons in the world has now reached 12 thousand 121.

NATO and nuclear sharing
Nuclear sharing by America’s ally North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) included the deployment of US B-61 nuclear bombs in Europe. They remain under US control and supervision. In case of war or conflict, these weapons are delivered by dual-capable aircraft (DCA) from NATO member states. The DCA Nuclear Planning Group will be under the authority of the US President and the British Prime Minister.

Nuclear Diplomacy
The United Nations plays an important role in promoting nuclear disarmament. With this in mind, the United Nations initiated the New START Treaty. The treaty was signed on February 5, 2011 between the United States and Russia to limit the number of nuclear weapons. Because Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world. However, Russia has announced the suspension of the New START Treaty. Putin has announced that Russia will increase its arsenal of weapons for its defense.

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