China will occupy Taiwan without ‘laying hands’! Such a strategy that even America is in tension

China uses gray-zone warfare tactics against Taiwan: The tension between China and Taiwan seems to be taking a new turn. China is pursuing a strategy of economic isolation of Taiwan without direct use of its military force, which seems extremely dangerous! According to a report by the Washington think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), tensions on the maritime border between the two countries are rising rapidly as China pursues a quarantine strategy against Taiwan, under which Taiwan is being isolated in an apparent attempt to do so. is in front

Let us tell you that China has always been trying to ‘occupy’ Taiwan. Actually, China considers Taiwan as its own part. A few weeks ago, Taiwan claimed to have spotted seven Chinese military aircraft and five naval vessels in its territorial waters. Taiwan said a Chinese military aircraft crossed its border in the Taiwan Strait and entered its territory.

A report published in on China’s strategic approach states that China will impose restrictions on Taiwan’s ports through its coast guard and navy. Without a direct declaration of war this would be a warlike move as it would negatively affect vital supplies to these areas of Taiwan. This is seen as a gray zone tactic that is not a total blockade but enough to break Taiwan’s back in the long run.

What is this quarantine strategy…

Avoiding a direct confrontation with America, China is putting heavy pressure on Taiwan. America has always been on Taiwan’s side. Experts believe that China’s move will have a negative impact on international relations and global trade due to Taiwan’s economic ties with China. With this strategy, China would not completely cut off Taiwan from the world but could begin to control Taiwan’s sea and air commerce. Taiwan will continue to receive basic necessities such as food and medicine, allowing China to claim there is no problem. But it would cut off certain segments of supply, such as American arms shipments to Taiwan. However, experts believe that this Chinese strategy may force Taiwan to officially declare its independence, which China has always strongly opposed.

Chinese media blunts support for Taiwan

According to China’s state agency Xinhua, on Friday it announced the appropriate punishment for Taiwan’s staunch independence supporters. It also announced the inclusion of death penalty for ‘particularly serious’ cases and issued a notice to this effect.

A statement issued by Taiwan..

Taiwan, meanwhile, said Beijing has ‘no legal jurisdiction over the whole of Taiwan’ and its rules are ‘no obligation for our people to follow’. In a statement, Taiwan said, the actions of the Beijing authorities will only incite conflict among the people of the Taiwan Strait. And this situation will certainly not lead to positive development in cross-strait relations. (Inputs from various agencies)

Tags: America News, China news, Taiwan news, World news

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