China’s Galvan Satan has reawakened, attacking soldiers from the neighboring Philippines with knives

Hardly any Indian has forgotten Galwan. Now it has done the same with its other neighbor Philippines. Chinese soldiers boarded two Philippine boats in the South China Sea and attacked them with knives and machetes. According to Philippine officials, Chinese Coast Guard personnel on board more than eight motorboats repeatedly boarded two Philippine Navy ships. Chinese Coast Guard personnel prevented Philippine Navy personnel stationed at Second Thomas Shoal from delivering supplies, including food and weapons, to the regional post. China is claiming this post as its own.

Weapons were also taken

Philippine security officials said Chinese troops seized the boats and damaged them with weapons after the clash. They also seized our equipment, eight M4 rifles and injured several naval personnel. The incident took place on June 17.

The Philippines sought compensation for damages

“We demand that China return our rifles and our equipment,” General Romeo Bronner Jr., chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, told a news conference in western Palawan province. We also demand that they should compensate for the damage they have done.” He compared the attack to incidents of piracy in the South China Sea.

China counter-accused

China blamed the Philippines for the confrontation, saying Philippine personnel had “encroached” on its territorial waters by ignoring its warning. China did the same with India. After the attack, he blamed India. He constantly tries to infiltrate the Indian border. The US has said an “armed attack” on Philippine government ships, aircraft, armed forces and coast guard in the South China Sea would undermine the mutual defense treaty between the two countries.

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