Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to 10.

This will be the first visit of a Chinese president to Europe in the last five years.


China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that at the invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Hungarian President Sulej Tamas and Prime Minister Orban Viktor, Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to these three countries from May 5 to 10. According to Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Chien, the visit will be the first visit by a Chinese president to Europe in five years. This is very important to promote the overall development of China-France, China-Serbia, China-Hungary and China-Europe relations, and will also inject new kinetic energy into the development of world peace.

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The spokesperson said this at a regular press conference held in Beijing on Monday. He said France was the first major Western country to establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level with the People’s Republic of China. In recent years, under the leadership of President Xi and President Macron, China-France relations have maintained a good development trend.

China hopes that President Xi’s current visit to France will strengthen political mutual trust, unity and cooperation, and bring China-France comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level, and contribute to the healthy and stable development of China-Europe relations in efforts to promote global peace, stability and development. will come and new contributions will be made.

At the same time, Serbia is China’s first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe, and the two countries have a close friendship. Spokesman Lin Chien said bilateral relations have maintained a high level of performance under the leadership of President Xi and President Vucic in recent years. The deepening development of China-Serbia relations is in line with the fundamental and long-term interests of both countries and their peoples, and is conducive to safeguarding international justice and fairness and promoting regional and world peace and stability.

According to Lin Chien, the visit will be President Xi Jinping’s first visit to Serbia in eight years, which will be an important milestone for improving and upgrading China-Serbia relations. China hopes that the visit will strengthen friendship and political mutual trust between the two countries, expand genuine cooperation, open a new chapter in China-Serbia relations and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

On the other hand, Hungary, as an important country in Central and Eastern Europe, is an important partner for China in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and in promoting cooperation between China and Central-Eastern European countries. Spokesman Lin Chien said that President Süleyk and Prime Minister Orbán jointly invited President Xi, which fully reflects the high importance and expectations of the Hungarian side for this visit.

Lin Chin said that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. This historic visit will take bilateral relations to a new level, open a new chapter for China-Hungary friendly cooperation, bring new impetus to the development of China-Europe relations, and inject more stability and positive energy into a turbulent world.

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