Corona tensioned the world again, death toll is increasing, WHO asked for data

New Delhi. Corona virus has once again worried the world. Even WHO is surprised by the rising death toll. EG.5 Getting information about increasing the Omicron variant. Countries in Asia and the Middle East are also ahead in this. For this, the World Health Organization has appealed to all countries to share complete data related to Kovid-19. Director General of WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said – In Europe, the number of admitted patients due to Corona has increased, while the death toll has increased in Asia and the Middle East.

Due to the rising numbers of Corona, WHO has asked for information about the cases and deaths of Corona from all the countries of the world, but only 43 countries are sharing the statistics of deaths due to Kovid. Only 20 countries have provided data on admitted patients. While WHO has not confirmed a specific strain responsible for the rapidly spreading infection, cases of EG.5 Omicron are increasing and cases of the BA.2.86 sub-variant have been reported in 11 countries.

America and China have the most Aeris variants
About a month ago, the WHO declared Omicron’s sub-variant EG.5 or Aris as a ‘variant of interest’ in view of increasing cases. 17 percent of the corona cases reported in mid-July were of this type. Which was 7.6 percent more than in June. Most cases of the Aris variant are being seen only in America, China and Britain.

WHO said – Corona will be with you now
According to WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, now the corona virus will always be around us. He said that after seeing the number of hospitalized patients and deaths, it is certain that we have to be ready to fight Corona. Ghebrecius suggested a further increase in winter. He said that it is getting cold in the Northern Hemisphere and in such a situation corona cases may increase.

More than 7 million people have died in the world due to covid
Around 70 lakh people have died in the world due to covid. It was declared a global emergency on 30 January 2020. Most people have died in America due to covid. Its first case in India was reported on 27 January 2020 in Kerala.

Tags: Corona virus, WHO, World news

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