Death Anniversary – Neil Armstrong died of hospital negligence but a mystery

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, died on August 25, 2012. He underwent bypass surgery at the age of 82. But he died at the Cincinnati hospital in Ohio, USA, where he was undergoing treatment after a heart operation and died just two weeks after the operation. In the meantime, how his health deteriorated, there was a sudden convulsion or he was slowly moving towards death. Not much is heard about this. At the time, there was only one emotional tribute from the Armstrong family. But actually the story of investigation, legal action etc started from here.

Hospital accused of negligence
In fact, in the hospital where Neil Armstrong died, he lived for two weeks after bypass surgery. After his death, his two sons sued MercyHealth-Fairfield Hospital in Cincinnati for improper post-operative care. It was said that this negligence led to Neil Armstrong’s death and that the hospital specialist found a serious problem with the treatment.

To avoid condemnation?
The hospital also defended itself, but according to a New York Times report, the case was secretly “settled” by paying the family $6 million so that disclosure of the case would not bring the hospital into disrepute. A condition was also placed on behalf of the hospital that the complaint and the “settlement” of the case would be kept confidential. But was the hospital willing to pay such a huge sum just for fear of slander or was the matter really serious. This was a big question and the answer is to be found in the investigation after Armstrong’s death.

Neil’s health was improving and then
When Armstrong underwent bypass surgery, his wife told the media that “he is recovering very well and is even walking on the porch.” But when nurses removed his wires for a temporary pacemaker, he began bleeding from the membranes near his heart and died on August 25 from a series of complications.

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Initially, Neil Armstrong’s health was also improving after the bypass surgery. (Representative photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Possibilities of agreement?
Neil Armstrong’s daughter-in-law, Wendy R. Armstrong wrote that when Neil’s sons Mark (Wendy’s husband) and Rick were to fly to Florida for the 45th anniversary of the moon landings, many publishers and filmmakers tried to contact him, and that Neil was trying to learn aspects of Armstrong’s life that the general public did not know. were In such a situation, the two brothers suggested that if the case of Neil’s death is not solved soon, the hospital will be in a lot of disrepute as the hospital is one of the reputed hospitals in America.

Also Read: 06 Mysteries Of The Moon That Are Still Unsolved!

There were also doubts
The medical controversy and confidential settlement were never made public before the 50th anniversary (2019) of Neil Armstrong’s moon landing. The New York Times obtained 93 pages of documents related to the case in an anonymous mail, including medical reports from medical experts on both sides. But along with the possibility of the case being leaked, a lawyer for Neil Armstrong’s grandchildren also expressed the possibility of their client losing compensation.

Tags: the moon, NASA, Research, Science, space, USA, the world

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