Devolina Bhattachari reacts to Kangana Ranaut’s slapping incident, says- Supporting CISF officer…

Devlina Bhattachari has condemned the incident with Kangana Ranaut. Devolina shared a long post on social media on Friday and asked people questions. Not only this, he has also given a jaw-dropping reply to those who are supporting the CISF officer. Read what Devolina wrote about the incident on Twitter.

This incident is alarming – Devolina

Devolina Bhattachari wrote, ‘What happened between Kangana Ranaut and the CISF officer during the security check is very disturbing. Such actions represent a breach of public trust and security protocols. A dutiful officer should never mix personal animosity and professional duty. This incident is a matter of concern.

A question was asked to those supporting the CISF officer

Devolina further wrote, ‘Supporting this CISF officer means justifying crime and spreading unnecessary hatred. It is important to remember that supporting this type of behavior sets a dangerous precedent. We should collectively condemn this incident.

Took a stand for Kangana

Concluding her speech, Devolina wrote, ‘I request everyone to think how they would feel if the same thing happened to their loved ones. It is not just about one person, but about the people on whose shoulders we place the responsibility of our security. Let us stand for justice, fairness and an order where personal animosity has no place in our security forces.

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