Digang was accused of criminal trespass, then the actress filed a defamation case against the director, with Akshay Kumar in between.

Mumbai. Bollywood actress Digangana Suryavanshi has rubbished the allegations made by producer-director Manish Harishankar of the web series ‘Showstopper’. Digangana has filed a defamation case against Manish Harishankar and has also filed a police complaint. Manish had earlier accused Digang of molestation and criminal trespass. Digangana has said that he took Akshay Kumar’s approval to come as a presenter for ‘Showstopper’ as part of a business deal, which Manish did not consummate.

Breaking her silence on the matter, Digangana said, “What Manish is saying is his imagination. They are all lies. It’s just a cheap promotional stunt to drag the name. It is clearly visible that he is looking for a goat to halal so that he can still sell the show after more than 2 years.

“I don’t want to waste more time, I’ve wasted a lot of time trying to help them,” said Suryavanshi of Digang. Digangana’s lawyer Rajendra Mishra also issued a statement which read, “We would like to officially state that all the allegations leveled against our client Digangana are completely baseless and are not a reflection of anyone’s criminal intentions and are the result of efforts to conceal one’s shortcomings.”

Rajendra Mishra further said, “Our client has known Manish for 7 years and is an actress in his series ‘Showstopper’, Manish asked our client for help and offered a business deal, which both signed. Manish was given a rough draft contract as confirmation of the deal, with several changes to be made in the draft, about which Manish was informed in advance. Manish missed the payment deadline and missed the deadline three times!”

Rajendra Mishra said, “Our client realized during this time that Manish Harishankar was facing funding issues to complete the deal, his financier had told him that if he needed more funds he could get NOCs from all other financiers or Manish did. May did not provide the same to his financiers, which led to no money being released and the deal being scrapped.

Tags: Akshay Kumar

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