Donald Trump surrenders, spends 20 minutes in jail, freed on $2 million bond

Atlanta. Former US President Donald Trump arrived at the Georgia prison to surrender on Thursday evening. He is accused of illegally conspiring to overturn the 2020 elections in that state. Historically, the Fulton County Jail was the first time a photo (mug shot) of a former US president was taken. According to jail records, former President Donald Trump completed the booking process and was released on $200,000 bond and other conditions. This includes not using social media to intimidate co-defendants or witnesses in the case.

Trump’s surrender comes amid a sudden shakeup in his legal team. Despite legal troubles, Donald Trump is ahead of his main rivals in the race to become the 2024 Republican nominee. The legal noose continues to tighten for Trump. Cases connected with it are constantly in the headlines. In such a situation, his opponents are expected to try to take advantage of his absence to boost his presidential chances. The Fulton County prosecution is the fourth criminal case against Trump since March, when he became the first former president in US history to be convicted. He has since faced multiple federal charges in Florida and Washington.

Trump was indicted this month in Atlanta along with his former chief of staff Mark Meadows, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and 18 others under the racketeering act and organized crime. Giuliani surrendered Wednesday and posed for a mug shot. Meadows sought to avoid a personal appearance while seeking to take the case to federal court. However, he himself appeared on Thursday. He was set on a $100,000 bond. Criminal cases have affected Trump’s 2024 election campaign due to continued bookings and increased charges.

Trump sent the message to his campaign while traveling from New Jersey to Atlanta. It said, I am writing you a letter from Trump Force One en route to Atlanta, where I will be arrested for no crime. After this, Trump’s supporters gathered in large numbers outside the prison where the former president was to surrender. Some of them waved flags with Trump’s name on them, while officials tightened security measures. His Atlanta jail surrender will be different from previous surrenders. Unlike other cities where they don’t have to pose for mug shots. Fulton County officials have said they are going to photograph Trump, just like the other defendants.

Tags: American news, Donald Trump, Donald Trump supporters

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