Get out of here… Trump rubs Biden, says- can’t survive a debate

Washington: Trumpet of presidential election in America has been blown. Let us tell you that the election for the post of President is going to be held in November this year in America. Looking at it, the discussion of the post of President is going on here. Donald Trump took a lot of aim at Joe Biden in the presidential debate. After this, Trump celebrated his performance in a debate at an election rally in Virginia.

Trump claimed that Biden would not survive the next 90 minutes of debate. Throughout his speech, Trump tried to corner Biden on several issues. He told Biden the country “doesn’t want” him and to “get out of here.” He said Biden is not leaving the presidential race. “After last night’s performance, a lot of people are saying that Joe Biden is dropping out of the race, but the truth is, I don’t think so,” Trump said.

Read- We ordered Manchurian to eat, but Trump called Biden the ‘Manchurian candidate’, know what it means.

Trump accused of rigging presidential debates
Trump also claimed that debate moderators had met with Biden. Which means Biden was trying to fuel the debate. According to TOI, Trump continued to paint a grim picture of America, repeating lies about doctors killing babies after birth and making baseless allegations about immigrants taking away jobs from black and Hispanic Americans.

Kelly is a lost soul – Trump
Biden was reminded that Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, said Trump had called dead military veterans “stupid” and “failures.” Trump denied the allegation and insulted Kelly, calling her “the dumbest of them all” and a “lost soul.”

Tags: Donald Trump, Joe Biden, US Presidential Election 2024

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