Here the 98-year-old killer killed 3300 people! Now will be punished

Berlin: A 98-year-old man will be sentenced in Germany. In fact, he has been found guilty of murdering 3300 people. This incident is related to the Nazi camp. Authorities have not released the suspect’s name. It is being said that the accused worked as a guard in that camp, during which he helped Nazi Germans and their collaborators to brutally kill thousands of prisoners. Now he has to get the punishment for this crime committed 8 decades ago.

According to the AP report, the accused worked as a guard at the Nazis’ Sachsenhausen concentration camp between 1943 and 1945. Over 3,300 Jews were murdered during this time. Prosecutors said the accused acted as accomplices in the murder. At the same time, in recent years, prosecutors have uncovered many such cases, which aided in the genocide of the Jews.

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The case has been filed in the state court in Hanoi. However, a decision is yet to be taken on whether to refer the matter for hearing or not. If this happens then the accused will be prosecuted under the Juvenile Act keeping in mind the age of the accused. Since a psychiatric expert’s report last October found that the suspect was very unfit, no drastic action could be taken.

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What is the history of Nazi camps?
Between 1936 and 1945, more than 200,000 people were interned at the Nazi Sachsenhausen camp in Berlin. Thousands died from starvation, disease, forced labor, shootings, executions, and poisoning. The exact number of people killed varies. Estimates are around 100,000, although scholars suggest that a figure of 40,000 to 50,000 is more likely to be accurate.

Tags: Germany, World News in Hindi

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