How Govind Namdev did a rape scene with Madhuri in Prem Granth, how he could take some liberties

Govind Namdev has played the role of villain in many films. He also gave a rap scene with love interest Madhuri Dixit. During an interview he revealed that he was new when he worked with Madhuri. He had to do a scene that could involve a lot of hesitation. However, he acted openly after taking Madhuri Dixit into confidence. He also said that Madhuri was one of the best actresses of that time.

That was before the scene

Govind Namdev said, ‘I was new then, he was a superstar. I liked everything we did before the scene, he liked my acting and even praised me. Thus we bound. When it came time for the rape scene, he and Madhuri Dixit talked so that both felt safe. Govind said, ‘This way people understand that the other person is troubled and worried, not a stranger. Meaning he has sense and manners. Govind said that after the conversation he took permission from Madhuri and she said, ok.

Madhuri was carried into the water and spun around.

Govind said, I now knew I could take some liberties with the character. We did scenes with him like taking him into the water and spinning. If he hadn’t reassured me so much, I would have hesitated to do the scene. Govind Namdev said that if such scenes did not go well, he did not hesitate to redo them.

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