“How was glorious illegitimacy carried out?” The Supreme Court has questioned the Delhi government on cutting trees without permission

A hearing was held today in the Supreme Court in the case of cutting trees without permission in the Ridge area of ​​South Delhi. After the DDA, now the Delhi government is on the target of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said, “Delhi government has to explain how serious illegality was found in the felling of trees. Why did Delhi government not take any action despite being aware of serious violations committed by DDA?

The Supreme Court has issued a contempt notice to the Principal Secretary, Forest and Environment Department, Delhi Government. The Supreme Court asked, “How did the Delhi government give permission to fell trees? Also tell why no legal action has been taken against the DDA?”

The Court has also asked whether the Tree Authority has been constituted under the Rules. Is this authority available from time to time? The Supreme Court has also sent a notice to the tree authority and sought its reply.

The Supreme Court also asked about the wood of the 623 trees cut. The Supreme Court said that we are 100% sure that the timber must have been transported by the contractor. On a lighter note, we’re curious to know – ‘why a dog doesn’t bark’, referring to a Sherlock Holmes story.

On February 3, the Supreme Court expressed its displeasure over the request for more time to provide the records of the LG’s visit. Said we are not happy. The DDA members asked the engineer to file an affidavit within ten days regarding what happened during the LG’s visit that day. A bench of Justice AS Oak and Justice Ujjal Bhuya said that he would file the affidavit as a court officer and not as a DDA officer.

Also Read:-
Do you save LG? Supreme Court slams DDA for cutting trees without permission

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