If not Biden, who? A new debate broke out in the US presidential election, know which contenders

New Delhi, The first presidential debate took place on June 28 in the US presidential election. Incumbent President and Democrat leader Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump had a heated debate for 90 minutes. There were many accusations and counter-accusations, ranging from the economy to favoring the rich. But Biden appeared weak in this debate. During the debate, Biden’s tongue wobbled at times, making it unclear what he was saying at times. In such a situation, a new discussion has started that if Biden is not the candidate, who will be in his place?

In fact, after the presidential debate, Democrat donors raised questions. That said, it seems that Biden has been ‘disqualified’. He no longer has the ability to lead. In such a situation, the question arose that if there is no Biden, then who can be the candidate in his place. In a Forbes report, several prominent celebrities have been mentioned as possible candidates.

First published: June 28, 2024, 23:19 IST

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