India didn’t just invite its neighbors including Maldives, Modi has a big plan in mind, China will also join hands

New Delhi: China’s interference in the Indian Ocean region is increasing. He is luring people from Sri Lanka to Maldives in his web. But India is also not unaware of China’s activities in the Indian Ocean. This is why when PM Modi took oath as PM for the third time, he took a decisive step to thwart China’s move. On the day of swearing in, PM Modi took a big step by wooing the neighbors. India invited neighboring countries including Sri Lanka, Maldives and Bangladesh for the oath taking. On the day of swearing in, PM Modi gave a diplomatic message to the world that neighbors come first for India. This bet by PM Modi is aimed at stopping China’s growing influence in the Indian Ocean region.

In fact, the oath-taking ceremony of the BJP-led NDA government was held on Sunday. Heads of 7 important neighboring countries of India also participated during the swearing in of PM Modi. Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, Mauritius, Bhutan and Seychelles were invited to PM Modi’s third swearing-in ceremony. Five of these are countries in the Indian Ocean region, while Nepal and Bhutan have been India’s good neighbors for decades. These Indian Ocean countries are very important in terms of India’s maritime policy. By inviting these countries to his swearing-in ceremony, PM Modi sent a big message to the world on the diplomatic front – India’s neighbors come first. China has long eyed India’s neighbours, be it Sri Lanka or the Maldives.

Stop China’s move
If experts are to be believed, PM Modi wants to woo his neighbors. He wants India’s neighboring countries not to lean too much towards China. As seen in the recent past. Nepal, Sri Lanka and Maldives have been heavily influenced by China for some time now. China has targeted Sri Lanka and Maldives for its own benefit. It was because of China that the relations with Nepal got cracked. However, now due to India’s efforts, these countries are starting to come on track. China wants to establish its dominance in the Indian Ocean region by trapping these countries in a debt trap. If China succeeds in its plan and wants to surround India from all sides. This is the reason why India is trying to improve relations with its neighbors and distance itself from China.

Why are neighbors important for India?
Now the question is what is India’s intention behind this? So the answer is maritime security. China wants to be Alexander of the sea. It wants sole rule over the Indian Ocean. By doing this he wants to strengthen maritime security. It is trying to encircle India by increasing its dominance in the Indian Ocean region. This is the reason why India wants to prevent China’s interference in the Indian Ocean region. China wants to lure India’s neighboring countries into its grip. This will prove very dangerous for India’s maritime security. It is for this reason that India is now looking at further improving relations with Maldives, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Mauritius and Bangladesh.

Chinese interference in Maldives
China wants to use the important Indian Ocean countries Sri Lanka and Maldives for strategic advantage. China is also conducting reconnaissance and exploration through ships in the Maldives. India’s relations have soured ever since Moizzu’s government came to power in the Maldives. Muizu is very close to China. As soon as he came to power, he asked India to withdraw its troops. However, Maldives had to bear the consequences of deteriorating relations with India. The tourism sector was badly affected and Muezi was widely criticized in the Maldives. At the same time, Seychelles has supported Indian efforts in terms of maritime security. Seychelles plays an important role for India in curbing piracy and illegal fishing. At the same time, Sri Lanka’s inclination towards China is also seen to be decreasing. After getting financial help from India, it is back on track. While the relations between India and Bangladesh have been very good during Sheikh Hasina’s tenure.

Tags: Narendra Modi, PM Modi, PM Modi news

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