Kenya riots over tax hike, thousands storm parliament, police leave bodies on streets

Nairobi In the African country of Kenya, people have revolted against rising taxes. People came on the road. Parliament was also attacked. Many places were set on fire. Police had to open fire to quell the unrest in the capital, Nairobi, which left at least 10 people dead. Many people are said to have been injured. Opponents are opposing the bill, which will increase many types of taxes after its implementation.

Protesters have set fire to parts of Kenya’s parliament, according to Reuters. They are attacking the police to let them in. When the policemen stopped them, they beat them. They were stoned. beat with sticks. When the policemen failed to stop them, they opened fire. Thousands of protesters stormed the parliament. Seeing the attack, the MPs there evacuated the house. In Nairobi, the situation escalated to such an extent that the police even had to open fire on the demonstrators. Protesters also stole the ceremonial mace from Parliament.

In fact, the Kenyan government has approved a controversial finance bill which, if implemented, will increase taxes in the country. The government says it wants to reduce the country’s huge debt burden. He wants to raise an additional $2.7 billion through this tax, because the country’s debt is so high that 37 percent of the government treasury is spent on interest payments. People have been opposing this bill since the beginning. But as soon as this bill was approved, people were outraged. Parliament attacked.

As protesters clashed in the streets of the capital Nairobi and other cities, police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse crowds, witnesses said. Bullets were also fired over the heads of the protesters, in response to which the protesters pelted stones at the security forces. People are demanding that President William Ruto step down. Ruto won the election two years ago. But as the economic condition of the country worsened, he decided to introduce this bill.

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