Made the killer her boyfriend, thought he would change her, but it ended terribly, the guy killed and ate his girlfriend!

There are many people in the world who love to help others. But often they lose themselves in helping others. In 2014, the same thing happened to Tammy-Jo Blanton, a 45-year-old American woman. The woman made a murderer her boyfriend (boyfriend eats girlfriend’s body part USA), not only because she liked him, but also because she wanted to change his nature and make him a good person. But you will be shocked to hear what her lover did to her.

According to the Daily Star News website, the main character of this story is Joseph Oberhansley. In 1998, when he was 17 years old, he killed his girlfriend. His father and brother died early, after which he became addicted to drugs. His girlfriend was Sabrina Elder. When Joseph’s mother found out that his girlfriend was pregnant, the woman thought it best to keep the girl with her like family. This did not seem right to Joseph. When their child was born, Joseph accused her of infidelity and began torturing her.

Killing the first girlfriend
Sabrina complained to the police, but he had fled by the time the police arrived. When he came back home his nature had changed a lot. It looked like he was drunk. He had brought a gun with him. He started firing the gun like a madman. When his mother ran out of the room with the child, he shot her in the back. Her sister then took the child to safety. But Joseph was obsessed with blood, he fired 5 bullets into Sabrina’s head. He then tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head, but survived. He was jailed for 15 years for murder and attempted murder, but was released on parole after serving 12 years.

Boyfriend eats girlfriend's body part

With Tammy and Joseph. (Photo: Mydrim Jones)

Tammy and Joseph meet
Meanwhile, Joseph met Tammy, who was about 13 years older than him. The two become friends, Joseph tells Tammy about himself and she begins trying to mend him. He felt that maybe his love would change the man’s nature. But this did not happen. The love between the two started to deteriorate and Joseph started harassing Tammy as well. He used to beat her too. When Tammy arrived at the office one day in September 2014, her face was swollen. People in his office were worried. He asked to file a police complaint but Tammy refused. When they couldn’t take the relationship any longer, they threw out Joseph’s belongings and changed the locks on the house. Once Joseph tried to enter the house, Tammy complained to the police, but by the time the police arrived, Joseph had fled.

Tammy’s body is found
When Tammy did not reach the office the next day, the people in her office became worried and complained to the police. When the police reached his house, he saw a shocking sight. They saw blood in the bathtub. Tammy’s dead body was there. His head, lungs and part of his heart were chopped off using an electric axe. All these parts were found by the police in the frying pan. Joseph later confessed that he had cooked and eaten part of Tammy’s brain. The court sentenced him to life imprisonment without parole. But a few years later, the man appealed against the sentence, however, in the year 2022, his appeal was rejected and he is still in jail.

Tags: Surprising news, Trending news, Strange news

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