Putin and Kim made a deal, America got into tension – know what is the agreement?

When Kim and Putin arrived at the Kumsusan Palace for the summit, Kim said the increasingly complex security environment around the world called for stronger strategic dialogue with Russia. “And I want to confirm again that we will unconditionally and unreservedly support all of Russia’s policies,” Kim told Putin. “North Korea expresses full support and solidarity with the Russian government, military and people for carrying out special military operations in Ukraine to safeguard sovereignty, security interests as well as territorial integrity,” he said. Before his arrival, Putin praised Pyongyang for resisting US economic pressure, blackmail and threats.

What did Kim and Putin say on the agreement?

After the summit, Putin said, “The partnership agreement signed today, among other things, provides for mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties.” Kim said the agreement would expand cooperation in politics, economy and defense. He described it as “perfectly peaceful and protective”. “The relations between our two countries have reached a new high level of engagement,” Kim said. At the start of their summit, Kim expressed “unconditional support” for “all of Russia’s policies,” including “full support and firm engagement” for Putin’s war with Ukraine. According to Russian media reports, Putin said that Moscow is fighting against the hegemonic, imperialist policy of America and its allies. “We greatly appreciate North Korea’s continued and unwavering support for Russian policy, including the Ukrainian one,” Russian state news agency RIA quoted Putin as saying at the start of the conference.

Putin’s visit has reshaped decades of Russia-North Korea relations. Both countries are currently facing international isolation. South Korea and the US are keeping a close eye on this visit. China, North Korea’s main political and economic benefactor and an increasingly important ally for Moscow, has not yet reacted to the visit. He still maintains silence.

Putin hosted Kim for a summit in the Russian Far East in September, boosting military cooperation between the two countries. Russia has used its warm relationship with North Korea to irritate Washington, while the heavily sanctioned North has received political support and promises of economic support and trade from Moscow. The United States and its allies say they fear Russia could provide support for North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs, which are banned by UN Security Council resolutions. It has accused Pyongyang of supplying Russia with ballistic missiles and artillery shells, which Russia has used in its war in Ukraine. However, Moscow and Pyongyang have denied the weapons transfer.

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