Russia and India are mulling over the possibility of PM Modi’s visit to Moscow next month

India and Russia are mulling the possibility of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s brief visit to Moscow in early July for comprehensive talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Diplomatic sources gave this information on Tuesday.

If this visit takes place, it will be the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister to Russia in almost five years. Modi traveled to Russia’s far eastern city of Vladivostok in September 2019 to attend an economic summit. There has been no confirmation from India regarding Modi’s possible visit. But a Kremlin official said that preparations are being made for Modi’s visit to Russia.

“I can confirm that we are preparing for the visit of the Indian Prime Minister. We cannot say the date because it is announced by the parties after the agreement,” said Yuri Ushakov, aide to the President of Russia.

In response to a question, he said that, but we are preparing vigorously. I want to emphasize once again that this visit will happen.” Diplomatic sources said that a one-day visit by the Indian Prime Minister is being planned around July 8, but the date has not been fixed and various options are being considered. to go

If Modi visits Russia, he and President Vladimir Putin will hold the annual India-Russia summit after a gap of three years. This annual summit between the Prime Minister of India and the President of Russia is a high-level institutional dialogue mechanism in the strategic partnership between the two countries.

So far, India and Russia have held 21 annual summits in each other’s countries respectively. The last summit was held in New Delhi on December 6, 2021. President Putin came to India to attend the summit.

The Kremlin official’s statement on Russia’s preparations for Modi’s visit comes at a time when the prime minister has decided not to attend the July 3 and 4 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Kazakhstan.

Russia is hosting the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit in October this year and it is expected that Prime Minister Modi will also attend it.

(This news is not edited by the NDTV team. It is published directly from the syndicate feed.)

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