Swara Bhaskar Body Shamed By Food Blogger, Actress Gives Befitting Reply, Says- You Are Lactating…

Bollywood actress Swara Bhaskar is known for expressing her thoughts openly. He is very active on social media. Recently, Swara Bhaskar got angry with a food blogger. In fact, the controversy between food blogger Nalini and Swara started when Swara Bhaskar reacted to her post about vegetarian food. Nalini shamed her body while replying to swara. Swara has now hit back at a food blogger for body shaming her.

Swara responded to this post by a food blogger

In fact, Nalini admitted the mistake of body shaming Swara by writing a post on her X account. Nalini wrote – “I was doing well, but you came in my way by spreading hate on my vegetarian post. I promote vegetarianism every day, and that post was a part of it. Your post made it a communal issue.” Your food choice is yours, and I have no problem with that, I’m vegetarian and I understand that dairy is not a good thing. I’m going vegetarian.”

The food blogger admitted the mistake

He further wrote, “You turned my post into a communal issue. You have a huge fanbase, so think twice before making such comments. Your words affect society and can cause problems in the lives of people like me.” She further wrote that it was my mistake to post your photos and I will delete them soon. Don’t be afraid, you too admit your mistake and remove the hatred you have spread against me. Have a nice morning. Enjoy your breakfast.

What did swara answer?

Responding to the same post by Nalini, Swara Bhaskar wrote, “Let’s get to it. You are offended that I condemned your veg supremacy post which was clearly targeting Muslims on Bakrid. Ok. But instead of joining me on vegetarianism. , you decide to shame a breastfeeding mom for gaining weight??

Let us tell you that while body shaming Swara Bhaskar, Nalini made a collage of her old and new pictures and shared them. Swara gained weight in the new picture. While sharing the picture, Nalini wrote, “What has he eaten?”

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