They brought soil from the moon but… Why is China inviting world scientists?

Bangkok. China’s Changi-6 has returned after completing its lunar mission. China has called on scientists from around the world to study the samples brought back to Earth on Thursday. US space officials said they welcome scientists from around the world to study, but there are some limitations to the research process, particularly with the United States.

After the successful lunar mission, Chinese officials held a televised conference in Beijing to recount the achievements. At the conference, he said that any cooperation with America would depend on the removal of a US law prohibiting direct bilateral cooperation with NASA. Bian Zhigang, vice chairman of China’s National Space Administration, said, ‘The root of the obstacle in US-China space cooperation lies in the Wolf Amendment.’

Zynga said, ‘If America really wants to start regular space cooperation, I think they should take appropriate steps to remove this obstacle.’ The Wolff Amendment went into effect in 2011. The amendment allows bilateral cooperation between the United States and China only where the FBI can certify that sharing information with the Chinese side in the course of the work does not pose a threat to national security.

China can cooperate with scientists from other countries in the study of samples brought from the moon, but there is a problem with America. The European Space Agency, France, Italy and Pakistan collaborated with China on the Changi-6 mission. “China welcomes scientists from all countries to explore and will share information with them,” said Liu Yunfeng, director of the International Cooperation Office of the China National Space Administration.

Tags: China, Mission Moon

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