Wagner Army Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin is alive! The new video has caused confusion in the world

Moscow. Yevgeny Prigozhin, chief of the Wagner military group that rebelled against Russian President Vladimir Putin, was buried in St. Petersburg after the plane crash, but is now being claimed to be alive. In a video going viral on social media, Prigozhin himself is confirming that he is alive. This video is shot in a moving vehicle. In this he says I am in Africa.

In fact, Prigozhin’s private jet crashed en route from Moscow to St. Petersburg, killing all 10 passengers and crew on board. The incident took place on August 23, after which the bodies were buried. Now there are many kinds of discussions, comments and claims happening on social media. News18 does not confirm the location, date and authenticity of the video released about Prigozhin being alive.

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Wagner Military Group just shared the video, causing a stir
The clip, released on social media, has been shared by a Telegram channel associated with the Wagner Military Group. While news agency Reuters has said that Prigozhin’s clothes match the video released on August 21. On the other hand, in the viral video Prigozhin himself says ‘For those who are debating whether I’m alive or not… what I’m doing… it’s the weekend. Second half of August 2023. I am in Africa. For people interested in removing me, or knowing my personal life… how much I earn or whatever they want to discuss… of course they do. Everything is fine.”

Prigozhin said in South Africa, users on social media were surprised
The video shows Prigogine allegedly in South Africa. The video was also shared by Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. One user commented, “We’ve been expecting a video of Prigozhin since his death. Especially wanted to know about his personal life and earnings etc. So it’s okay now.” Here, Russia’s Tass news agency quoted sources as saying that according to the wishes of Prigozhin’s family, only his family members and close friends were invited to the funeral.

Tags: Russia, Russia Ukraine war, Vladimir Putin

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