What kind of ‘war’ is this? Two warring countries are busy teasing each other, using waste as a weapon

Relations between North Korea and South Korea have always been tense. North Korea often threatens its neighbor South Korea with a nuclear attack, but this time North Korea is using dirt as a means of hostility. North Korea sent bags of garbage and urine to South Korea using balloons on Tuesday night. The South Korean army has confirmed this. Meanwhile, South Korea has also placed garbage-filled balloons on the border.

A report from the American newspaper ‘The Washington Post’ North Korea’s Vice Defense Minister Kim Kang Il said in a statement on Sunday, “Soon there will be heaps of waste paper and dirt scattered across the border areas and the interior of the Republic of Korea (South Korea). You will realize. How much it will take to remove it.” Efforts will be needed.After this, the garbage bags were tied with rope and sent to South Korea with the help of balloons.

Such waste has spread across 9 provinces in South Korea.

260 balloons have been sent to South Korea
According to the report, 260 balloons were seen here till Wednesday morning. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) has also released its pictures. In the pictures, two large balloons are tied with a rope. According to the report, a plastic bag was also tied to the balloon, which was filled with faeces and urine. Such garbage has accumulated on many roads in South Korea. Government agencies there are investigating it. Officials have advised people not to touch garbage bags.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement, “North Korea is violating international laws by sending such waste. It also threatens the lives of our country’s citizens. We warn North Korea to stop its activities to any citizens of our country.” North Korea will be responsible for any damage.

North Korea has also made a statement
According to North Korean state media KCNA, dictator Kim Jong took the step because South Korea frequently delivers pamphlets related to its propaganda to North Korea. North Korea said. “When our national sovereignty, security and interests are violated, we will take immediate action.”

Local officials are busy investigating the waste.

Local officials are busy investigating the waste.

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Balloons have also been sent from South Korea
According to the report, South Korean activists have also often sent balloons across the border into North Korea. Pamphlets with messages critical of Pyongyang are pasted on the balloons. Due to the sending of these balloons, the tension between the two neighbors was increasing. In 2022, an activist group sent out propaganda leaflets in balloons.

Officials have advised people not to touch the waste.

Officials have advised people not to touch the waste.

Both were recognized as separate countries in 1953
In June 1950, the conflict between South Korea and North Korea began. The world was divided into two groups over this. America and 15 other countries supported South Korea. The war ended in 1953 and both countries were recognized. The two countries have had strained relations ever since.

South Korea is a democratic country. America is its biggest friend. America has played a major role in its development. South Korea is a very advanced and prosperous nation in terms of technology. While under the rule of the Kim family, North Korea is isolated from the world. There is a dictatorship.

With severe food shortages in North Korea, Kim Jong Un called for finding “ways to improve”.

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