What Ram Setu looks like from space; Who still shows up here… What is the difference between the views of Europe and India?

European Space Agency has released a photo of Ram Setu. Ram Setu is called Adam’s Bridge in European countries. The bridge is 48 km long between Rameswaram Island off the south-east coast of India and Mannar Island in Sri Lanka. This image is taken from Copernicus Sentinel-2. The bridge separates the Gulf of Mannar (south), the entrance to the Indian Ocean, from the Palk Strait (north), the entrance to the Bay of Bengal.

Ram Setu from a European perspective
The European Space Agency states that there are several theories as to how Ram Setu was built. However, geological evidence shows that these limestone rocks are the remnants of a landmass that once connected India and Sri Lanka. According to records, this natural bridge could be crossed till the 15th century. After this it was gradually destroyed by a storm. Some of the sand dunes on it are dry and can be seen from the light color of the water. The sea here is very shallow and only 1-10 meters deep.

which appears here
Mannar Island covers an area of ​​about 130 sq km and is connected to Sri Lanka by road and rail bridges. India can be reached via the 2 km long Pamban Bridge from Rameswaram Island (also known as Pamban Island) on the opposite side of Ram Setu. Pamban city is on the western side of the island and Rameswaram is on the northern side. Both sections of Adams Bridge are part of protected national parks in their respective countries. The sand dunes serve as breeding grounds for birds, while many species of fish and sea grass thrive in the shallow waters. Marine life around Adam’s Bridge includes dolphins, dugongs and turtles.

Recognition of India
Ram Setu in India is associated with Lord Shri Ram. It is mentioned in the Puranas and many texts written millions and thousands of years ago. According to these texts and Puranas, when Ravana tricked Mother Sita into Lanka (present-day Sri Lanka), Lord Rama began searching for Mother Sita. Finally, with the help of Lord Hanuman, he learns that Mother Sita is in Lanka. After this, Lord Rama proceeded to Lanka with Sugriva’s army. When he reached Rameswaram and ran out of land, he requested to go to Lanka by sea. Then Sagar said that there were two soldiers named Nal and Neil in Sugriva’s army. He is blessed by Lord Vishwakarma. This bridge can be built. After this Nala and Neel wrote Shree Rama on each stone and threw them into the sea. The stones with Shri Ram written on them floated instead of sinking in the sea and soon the Ram Setu was ready. After this Lord Rama reached Lanka with his army and killed Ravana and brought mother Sita back to Ayodhya.

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