Why did Kashmir create a voting record?

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Elections are being held in the shadow of guns in the Lok Sabha seat of Kashmir. Pulwama used to be at the forefront of terror-hit areas. Here the terror of guns was so great that it was not possible to vote from houses. The pollsters were afraid and the voters more than that. In the last Lok Sabha elections, Pulwama polled only one percent. How this vote was cast was a puzzle, because the election meant fear. Pulwama has broken records in 2024 elections. This time 43.39 percent votes were polled here. The story of Pulwama is also telling that new voters are now looking for logic. Asking what has been achieved so far by boycotting the elections.

A second section in Kashmir also believes that unrest has increased within the common Kashmiris. He feels that voting in the Lok Sabha elections will also clear the way for him in the Vidhan Sabha. There is no elected government in Kashmir for the last 10 years. The Center has given all indications that it is in favor of restoring the Legislative Assembly and making Jammu and Kashmir a state again. This fact has been raised continuously for some time now. Local MLAs play a major role in the day-to-day work of common people. Common Kashmiris find it easy to reach their representatives. This is the reason that they are giving the indication that after the Lok Sabha it should be the turn of the Vidhan Sabha.

Another change was also seen in Baramulla. This seat has also changed its history forever. A historic 59 percent vote was cast in Baramulla. All this is happening when political dramas are not happening. Has something like this happened in Baramulla, Budgam, Kupwara, which has increased confidence in voting.

A big change in the Kashmir Lok Sabha seat and it showed… women coming forward in line. After terrorism, it was difficult to imagine that the time would come when Kashmiri women would participate in democracy.

Some are arguing that unlike previous elections, the elections and voting were telecasted live this time. It has encouraged many people. After the Baramulla voting, the Central Election Commission has also said that preparations will be made soon for the assembly elections. No one can use this voter’s trust for their own praise. Voters have simultaneously sent a message to security forces, governments, separatists and Pakistan-backed terrorists that they are voting for peace. He is not with any boycott. He feels that the initiative to vote was stalled for a long time. Common citizens have also eliminated many speculations by using the right of voting. Coming out of the shadow of terror, the Kashmiri voter has written a new lesson. This is the right opportunity for Delhi to show that the voice of the Kashmiri people should not go down.

Abhishek Sharma is the Mumbai Editor of NDTV India. He has been writing extensively on post-Emergency political mobilization.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the author.

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