Why did Russian President Putin sack Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu?

Andrey Belloso was given command of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has removed the country’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu from his post. Now, in Shoigu’s place, Andrei Belousov has been entrusted with the charge of the country’s defense minister. CNN has given information about this citing the Kremlin’s statement. Belloso is known for making economic decisions rather than battlefield knowledge. The appointment of Andrei Belousov, an economist with no military experience, to replace Shoigu has surprised many. Andrei has been the Prime Minister of Russia.

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Russia has said President Vladimir Putin wants Shoigu, who has been defense minister since 2012 and is a longtime Putin ally, to replace Nikolai Patrushev as secretary of Russia’s powerful Security Council and also to take charge of the military-industrial complex. The development comes at a time when Russia appears to be entering a war against Ukraine. Sergei Shoigu is being relegated to a position that is technically considered senior to his Defense Ministry role.

Putin’s reason for removing Sergei Shoigu as Defense Minister?

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called it a meaningful change. The reason, he says, is that Russia is approaching a situation similar to that of the Soviet Union in the mid-1980s, when the military and law enforcement officials accounted for 7.4% of the country’s spending. Peskov said this means it’s important to ensure that such spending is consistent with the country’s overall interests, which is why Putin now wants a civilian with an economic background in the defense ministry.

The presence of an economist at the post of defense minister also speaks to the Kremlin’s shifting priorities. The Russian economy has also been hit hard by the war. Therefore, Andrei Beloso has been appointed to the post of Minister of Defense. Peskov said that only those who are more open to innovation will be victorious on the battlefield. After a Shoigu ally and deputy defense minister were accused of taking bribes, the changes were seen as efforts to spend money more efficiently as well as bring in defense spending.

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