Why is America’s love for Tibet so strong? Love for the Dalai Lama or conflict with China… What is the reason?

New Delhi: The rivalry between China and America is not hidden from anyone. From time to time both of them keep shooting arrows of words at each other. America is now trying to surround China from all sides. Be it Taiwan or Tibet, America is now preparing to defeat China on every issue. This is the reason why America is surrounding China from all sides. America has become very active on Tibet. America’s passing of the ‘Resolve Tibet Act’ bill, the American delegation meeting the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala, the open support for Taiwan, the supply of arms… are pointing to a bigger game. This sudden love for Tibet shows that some new hatred against China is brewing in the American mind. Now the question is whether the reason for America’s love for Tibet is the love for the Dalai Lama or the conflict with China?

America is aware of the way China has been acquiring land in the South China Sea area in recent times. China now seems to be emerging as a new power in the world. Be it on the space or economic front, the US is facing a challenge only from China. America is watching how China’s dominance in the sea is increasing. It is believed that there are huge reserves of oil and gas under the South China Sea. So China wants to maintain its dominance here. How is it possible for America to remain silent in such a situation? This is the reason why America wants to open Tibet front against China. Tibet is an area from which America can attack China. America will not have any difficulty in taking action against China even from India’s side. India is also busy encircling China.

Tibet’s trump card against China?
America also knows when the iron is hot and when to strike. Right now, the anti-Chinese wave is at its peak in Tibet. The Dalai Lama has opened fire against China in Tibet. America is now adding fuel to it. In fact, China has been claiming Tibet as its own. While the people of Tibet are not in favor of accepting its subjugation. They have been fighting for autonomy for a long time. China considers all of Tibet as its part. However, the people of Tibet have been dreaming of independence for years. This is the reason why America has got a trump card against China. Apart from Tibet, America also has Taiwan, with the help of which it is trying to weaken China. Love for Tibet is part of America’s strategy. This is the reason why America has recently passed the ‘Resolve Tibet Act’.

America is increasing China’s concern
The ‘Resolve Tibet Act’ denies China’s rights over Tibet. This bill has been passed by both houses of the United States. It just awaits President Biden’s signature. At the same time, the US recently sent a delegation of its MPs to Dharamshala to meet the Dalai Lama. America is doing all this knowingly. China’s uneasiness was also revealed by this move of America. He threatened the US with consequences and reiterated that Tibet was its internal matter. With these steps, America is trying to show that it is with Tibet. This step of America will increase the difficulties of China. China is constantly trying to occupy Tibet and Taiwan. In such a situation, powerful countries like America standing with them on issues is no less than a big concern for China.

Why is the US pushing China on Tibet?
Now there is no difficulty in understanding that China alone is behind these actions of America on Tibet. America wants to keep China trapped in its conflict. This is the reason why America keeps harassing America sometimes on Tibet, sometimes on Taiwan and sometimes on Hong Kong. Why is America keeping an eye on Tibet after all? Why America considers Tibet so important? So the reason is that Tibet is located in the south-west of China. It shares its borders with India, Nepal, Myanmar and Bhutan. Pulling China out of Tibet would mean reducing China’s dominance in these areas. This is the reason why America is sometimes raising its voice on the issue of Taiwan and sometimes Tibet. So that China remains surrounded by its own issues and cannot become a big challenge for it.

Tags: America vs China, China, US news

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