Will Putin wreak havoc on PAK? Islamabad sent weapons to Ukraine! Russia warned

Moscow. Reacting sharply to news of Pakistan supplying arms to Ukraine in its war against Russia, the Russian ambassador to India has said that Moscow is closely monitoring these reports. Russia’s ambassador to India Denis Alipov said that Moscow is taking these reports very seriously as they affect the situation on the ground and anti-Russian activities.

Alipov said, “Such reports and information have arrived, we take this information very seriously. If such reports are confirmed, this is a very clear anti-Russian action that we cannot ignore. And as I said, we have followed the news and other reports very closely and taken them very seriously because they directly affect the situation on the ground.

Significantly, while India has close ties with Russia, Pakistan is reportedly trying to forge better ties with Russia to acquire advanced weapons. Russia and India have signed several deals to supply arms, including the S-400, to New Delhi to counter the threat from China and Pakistan.

In response to a question about the delivery of the S-400 anti-aircraft variant of the missile system designed to destroy aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles, Denis Alipov said, “As for the delivery of the S-400, they are in progress and the heads of the Russian companies involved in that supply have confirmed that the supply will be completed on time and as per the schedule mutually agreed with our Indian partners. We are looking at completing the delivery by the end of next year.”

Alipov said that Russia-India relations are touching new heights and are moving forward with continuous flexibility. He said, “As the statistics show, we are very satisfied with the economic development between our countries (India-Russia). Trade is growing… We are cooperating in various sectors of the economy, we are maintaining dialogue in various advanced sectors of economy, science and technology. Cooperation in nuclear energy has been very successful, we are the only country that practically cooperates with India in this field of nuclear energy, peaceful use of nuclear energy…”

Tags: Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin

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