“You are an Indian”: American author explains why she won’t vote for Vivek Ramaswamy

Vivek Ramaswamy spoke to Ann Coulter on his podcast.

New Delhi:

Speaking in a podcast with Indian-American Republican leader Vivek Ramaswamy, American author Ann Coulter said she is not voting for him in the US presidential election because he is “Indian”. Later, Ramaswamy said in a post on the microblogging website X that he respected Coulter because “she had the courage to speak her mind.”

“Ann Coulter said to my face that I’m not voting for you ‘because you’re Indian,’ even though she agrees with me more than the other candidates. I disagree with her but respect her,” Ramaswamy said in the post. It was an exciting time to find the courage to speak my mind.

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From the start of the podcast, Coulter took aim at the Indian-American leader. Ramaswamy tried to run for the US presidency, but ultimately had to support the candidacy of Donald Trump. Coulter said, “I’m a fan of yours. I’m just going to make it a point to make the podcast entertaining. You’re very articulate. I think I can tell you clearly because you’re not black American — it’s not about them. .” I agree with what you said, maybe more than the other candidates, but I still won’t vote for you because you are Indian.

Before the podcast, Ramaswamy had clearly mentioned that there would be some ‘interesting’ bits in the discussion between the two. “Ann Coulter challenged me. I challenged her. This episode will challenge you. You don’t want to miss it,” he posted on X . When Ramaswamy announced that he would run for president and replace Donald Trump, Trump largely avoided criticizing the Indian-American leader. However, as Ramaswamy began to present himself as an alternative to Trump, criticism began to mount as voters began to raise their voices in the nation’s first caucuses.

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