Woman had a sore nose, went to the doctor, there was a scary creature crawling in, then…

A woman was suffering from nose pain for last 2 weeks. At first he found the pain minor. But there was no end to it. Gradually the woman began to have trouble breathing due to the pain. He did not understand what happened? In such a state, one day she went to the hospital to show herself. When the doctors there looked inside the nose, they were shocked. They saw a scary creature sitting inside their nose. Immediately they decided to throw him out. You will also be surprised to know how this creature got inside the nose and the woman did not know immediately?

In this viral video, it can be seen that a woman has gone inside. There a doctor inserts some instruments inside her nose. They grab hold of the scary creature sitting inside and start pulling it out. As the creature emerges, the woman is seen crying out in pain. Actually, this creature is a leech, which clings to the human body and sucks blood. It shrinks his body, causing him to fit comfortably in a small space. Doctors were baffled as to how it got in. According to the information in the video, the case is from Indonesia. The leech probably entered the woman’s nose while bathing.

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